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单 价: 1200.00
品 牌: EITEC
所在地: 上海
销 量: 累计出售 0 件,0 个订单
评 价: 已有 0 条评价
库 存: 还剩 100
人 气: 已有 30 人关注
更 新: 2020-08-18
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德国EITEC是著名机床内防护产品生产商,主要产品有风琴护罩、刮削板、链板式挡板;接受非标定做。有色金属型材 | 机器和设备的卷帘覆盖层 | 机器和设备的保护围栏 | 机器的保护盖板 | 机器和设备的挡泥板 | 导轨保护盖 

·         Bellows
Because of their low weight, bellows have very little influence on machine and guideways. Our product program of bellows reaches from simple bellows acting as dust or handling protection to bellows for highly complex applications with stroke delimiter and/or lamellae. We supply polygonal bellows, homogenous bellows, telescopic bellows in a rigid, flexible or blind-type version.



·         Homogeneous

·         Box

·         Rubber-Disc

·         Round-Textile

·         Round-PVC

·         Telescopic-Flexible

·         Telescopic-Rigid

·         Telescopic-Louvre-Type

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