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玫瑰金不锈钢线条 金属隔断装饰线条 U型槽 金属收边条

单 价: 面议 
起 订:  
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 广东 佛山市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2024-12-09 22:08
浏览次数: 55

玫瑰金不锈钢线条 金属隔断装饰线条 U型槽 7字型包边条 金属收边条 赛驰尔专业为您服务   不锈钢线条优点:   .不锈钢线条安装方便,省工,省料。用角线,瓷砖或石材不用靡磨角。倒角,会贴瓷砖和石材的师傅简单,轻松便可完成安装。   .不锈钢线条使装璜美观,亮丽。角线弧面平滑,线条笔直,能有效保证包边贴角平直,使装璜的边角更具有立体美感。   .不锈钢线条性能稳定,不受任何气候条件的影响,防撞性 好,能按你装璜的要求贴出你理想角度。   不锈钢装饰线条从选材可分为:不锈钢304#、不锈钢201#、不锈钢316#等。按其表面工艺效果又可分为:镜面(亮光面)不锈钢镜面(亮光面)和拉丝面(哑光面)。按表面所镀颜色可分为:玫瑰金、古铜、青古铜、红古铜、钛金等等。形形色色装饰边条,因每个厂家制作工艺和流程不同而有差异,选材、工艺、颜色的不同价格也有所差距。 精致服务,打造高品质工艺! 让赛驰尔走进您的生活,美无处不在! 定制金属装饰线条 184-0208-0762 佛山赛驰尔金属制品有限公司 The chi, professional service for you Stainless steel line advantages: . Stainless steel line installation is convenient, the province, the province. With horn line, ceramic tile or stone grinding Angle without bonding. Chamfering, ceramic tile and stone will master is simple, easy to complete the installation. . Stainless steel line make decoration beautiful, bright beautiful. Horn line surface smooth, straight lines, can effectively guarantee the package edge fillet straight, make the decoration of the edge horn is more stereo aesthetic feeling. . Stainless steel line performance is stable, not subject to any climate condition, the influence of crashworthiness is wonderful, can according to your decoration requirements posted your ideal Angle. Stainless steel decorative lines from selec material can be divided into: stainless steel 304 # 201 #, 201 # stainless steel, stainless steel, etc. According to its effect and surface process can be divided into: mirror (light side) stainless steel mirror (light) and drawing (dumb smooth). According to the surface plating color can be divided into: rose gold, bronze, green bronze, red bronze, titanium, etc. All kinds of edge decoration, because each factory production technology and process and there are differences, selec material, craft, color, there is also a gap between the prices are different. Fine service, to build high quality process! Let the chi, walk into your life, beauty is everywhere! Custom me-tal decoration line 184-0208-0762 foshan chi, me-tal products co., LTD

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