Electronic fatigue testing machine is produced according to GB / t2611-2007 general technical requirements for testing machine jb9397-2002 technical conditions for tension compression fatigue testing machine. It is mainly used for dynamic and static testing and fatigue resistance test of biological, elastomer and small test pieces.
电子式动态试验机本机适用于检测各种金属、非金属、复合材料及锂电池芯 柱等产品的动、静态力学性能试验。能在正弦波、三角波、方波、梯形波、随机波、组合波形下进行拉伸、压缩、弯曲、动静刚度和低周疲劳试验。
The microcomputer controlled electronic dynamic testing machine is suitable for testing the dynamic and static mechanical properties of various me-tal, non-me-tal, composite material and lithium battery pole. It can carry out tensile, compression, bending, dynamic and static stiffness and low cycle fatigue tests under sine wave, triangle wave, square wave, trapezoid wave, random wave and combined wave.